Java Create New Text File
Com.itextpdfitextpdf5.5.10org.apache.pdfboxpdfbox2.0.4The latest version of the libraries can be found here: and.One extra dependency is necessary to add, in case our file will need to be encrypted. The Bounty Castle Provider package contains implementations of cryptographic algorithms and is required by both libraries: org.bouncycastlebcprov-jdk15on1.56The latest version of the library can be found here:. In order to apply permission using iText library, we need to have already created pdf document. In our example, we will use our iTextHelloWorld.pdf file generated previously.Once we load the file using PdfReader, we need to create a PdfStamper which is used to apply additional content to file like metadata, encryption etc: PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader('HelloWorld.pdf');PdfStamper pdfStamper= new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileOutputStream('encryptedPdf.pdf'));pdfStamper.setEncryption('userpass'.getBytes,'.getBytes,0,PdfWriter.ENCRYPTIONAES256);pdfStamper.close;In our example, we encrypted the file with two passwords.
Java Create New Text File In Windows
The user password (“userpass”) where a user has only read-only right with no possibility to print it, and owner password (“ownerpass”) that is used as master key allowing a person to have full access to pdf.If we want to allow the user to print pdf, instead of 0 (third parameter of setEncryption) we can pass: PdfWriter.ALLOWPRINTINGOf course, we can mix different permissions like: PdfWriter.ALLOWPRINTING PdfWriter.ALLOWCOPYKeep in mind that using iText to set access permissions, we are also creating a temporary pdf which should be deleted and if not it could be fully accessible to anybody. Create Pdf in PdfBox.
Create New File In Java
As opposite to the iText, the PdfBox library provides API which is based on stream manipulation. There are no classes like Chunk/ Paragraph etc. The PDDocument class is an in-memory Pdf representation where the user writes data by manipulating PDPageContentStream class.Let's take a look at the code example: PDDocument document = new PDDocument;PDPage page = new PDPage;document.addPage(page);PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page);contentStream.setFont(PDType1Font.COURIER, 12);contentStream.beginText;contentStream.showText('Hello World');contentStream.endText;contentStream.close;'pdfBoxHelloWorld.pdf');document.close; 5.2.
Inserting Image. First we need to load a file and create a PDImageXObject, subsequently draw it on the document (need to provide exact x,y coordinates).That's all: PDDocument document = new PDDocument;PDPage page = new PDPage;document.addPage(page);Path path = Paths.get(ClassLoader.getSystemResource('Javalogo.png').toURI);PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(document, page);PDImageXObject image= PDImageXObject.createFromFile(path.toAbsolutePath.toString, document);contentStream.drawImage(image, 0, 0);contentStream.close;'pdfBoxImage.pdf');document.close;5.3.
Inserting a Table. PdfBox library provides a possibility to encrypt, and adjust file permission for the user. Comparing to iText, it does not require to use an already existing file, as we simply use PDDocument. Pdf file permissions are handled by AccessPermission class, where we can set if a user will be able to modify, extract content or print a file.Subsequently, we create a StandardProtectionPolicy object which adds password-based protection to the document. We can specify two types of password.