Grid Mapping Software

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CemMapperCemetery Mapping SoftwareConvert Cemetery Transcriptions To MapsThe CemMapper is an add-on to the CemEditor thatwill create grid maps of the entered cemetery.With correct entry the software will display thecemetery in multiple 9 X 9 grids, showing thenames on each stone which will allow thoseviewing a stone of interest to easily see nameson the surrounding stones. By clicking on thename/stone detailed transcription informationwill be displayed. This is a good tool forrecording endangered cemeteries.The cemetery mapping software is not difficult touse, but does require some more detail recordingthe transcriptions at the cemetery.The can bedownloaded and printed. It is provided to helpin recording the position of the existingstones/graves.

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Grid Mapping Software

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Empty graves do not have to beentered for the CemMapper. If the positionsare entered correctly the software willproduce the map and 'know' where the emptygraves are. The following example: was produced using the CemMapper.For more information about entering data forthe CemMapper please see theLike the CemEditor and CemViewer the CemMapperwill work with or without pictures. This softwarewill work great as an on site method to viewcemetery transcriptions or maps of a cemetery ata historical society, share with family members,or use in a genealogy society's library.It works with or without pictures, howeverwhen photos are included, these transcriptionsbecome a valuable resource to researchers as wellas an excellent way to preserve a cemetery.If placing the transcriptions on a CD he onlyreal limit of data to be published on the CD isthe CD size of 700mb.

Trip Mapping Software

A CD should easily holdover 5,000 names and 10,000 to 15,000 pictureswith a normal resolution picture sized at 640 X480 which is about 68kb per photo. Larger photoswill work too.If you a already have the information entered ina program that can export as CSV you can importit directly into the CemEditor and then by addinginformation to the Zone and ZonePosition fieldsthe information can be used by the cemeterymapping software to create a simple grid map ofthe cemetery. CSV is a format many popular wordprocessors, databases and spreadsheets can saveor export to.PUBLISHINGTo publish information on a CD:In addition to this software you will need CDWriter and Software. If you are using Windows XPyou already have the CD writing software youneed.To publish information on a web site:In addition to this software you will need FTPprogram, and a server on the web. Many InternetService Providers have space that you can use aspart of your normal account.

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